Why Ikaria?

Ikaria is a Greek island located in the Aegean Sea. While less inhabited compared to other islands in Greece, the way of life reflects a more relaxed, subdued pace compared to today’s modern world. This aspect of life is among the many reasons why people in Ikaria live longer and healthier lives than any other place in the world! In fact, individuals in Ikaria live to be centenarians (those who reach the age of 100) at rates greater than any other place.

HHS Extension focuses its educational programs on food, family, money and health. It is these very characteristics that will be studied while in Ikaria to understand the longevity and well-being of the island’s inhabitants. The team will experience the lifestyle of Ikarians and identify the differences between their daily lives and those of Americans. The team will bring back knowledge and ideas to improve Extension programs in Indiana’s 92 counties.